Legal Ethics Chair

The Project is implemented with the support of United States Agency for International Development(USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

The aim of this platform is to give the Chair opportunity to accumulate legal ethics-related information on a single webpage (news, regulations, groundbreaking court decisions and analysis, articles, researches, video lectures, etc). More importantly, this will ensure access to relevant information for interested individuals and will contribute to increasing the public awareness.

Project Summary

Nowadays, the fact is that the representatives of legal profession do not have high ratings in public’s eye, which has been the aftermath of the fact that the legal practitioners have failed, to live up to the professional standards of ethics and honesty. It is also a proven fact that the root cause of this problem is the lack of appropriate training and knowledge of the field. The proposed project is an attempt to eliminate the root cause of the problem through developing and sharing a course on Legal Ethics; organizing a National Moot Court on Legal Ethics; researching and writing; protecting rights of the individuals affected by the violation legal ethics norms; making the legal ethics-related information easily accessible; organizing conference and training programs and building strategic partnerships. Correctly asked questions and properly defined problem, well-thought-out project plan, and a strong will, as well as readiness to solve the problem serve as a guarantee that the Project will fulfill its purpose.

Purpose and Objectives of the Project

The overall purpose of the project is to enhance knowledge and understanding of the legal ethics.

Objectives of the project are:

Our Team

Sophie Chachava – Co-Chair

Ana Loria – Co-Chair

Tamar Khubuluri – Senior Researcher

Tamar Tsertsvadze – Administrative Assistant

Ana Apriashvili – Financial Assistant