Legal Ethics Chair
The Project is implemented with the support of United States Agency for International Development(USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).
Winning articles of the students of writing competition on Legal Ethics:
List of books available at NVU Library:
Dishonesty and unqualified representation
Applicability of ethics rules to attorneys
Conflict of Interest
Informing a client
Priority of client's interests
Handle a case under the client's instructions
Obligation to respect the rights of participants in a trial
Submitting false evidence to the court
Prohibition to guarantee of the desired outcome
Communication with court
Obligation to unconditionally return all documents, funds and other property transferred or entrusted by the client
Obligation to deposit trust funds in an independent account
Maintaining records of the case proceeding costs
Ethics code, Article 8.8Deprivation of a defendant's right to counsel
Proper applicant
Applicability of the Ethics code to a lawyer's interns
Decisions of the ECHR on Freedom of Expression of lawyers