
Moot Court on Legal Ethics
Moot Court on Legal Ethics

On December 5-6, 2020, New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organized the third Moot Court on Legal Ethics. Students of public and private universities, authorized in Georgia, participated in the moot court. Teams were represented from the following universities: New Vision University, Free University of Tbilisi, University of Georgia, Ilia State University and Samtskhe-Javakheti State University. Participating teams were assessed by invited expert-judges, including lawyers as well as GBA Ethics Commission members, who have outstanding competence and experience in legal ethics. To guarantee a fair and impartial assessment during the competition, the names of the universities of the participating teams remained unknown to the judges.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to ensure the safety of participants, moot court was held online.

According to the New Vision University policy, organizing team did not identify the winner. All students were granted with the certificates and special awards – bookshop vouchers. This innovation reflects the concept of the New Vision University and aims to support the popularization of the idea of participation in moot courts with educational purposes.

The moot court was held with the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

The third Annual Conference on Legal Ethics held
The third Annual Conference on Legal Ethics held

On September 29-30, 2020 the New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organized the third Annual Conference on Legal Ethics. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic event was held online.

Speakers at the conference discussed the newest challenges and problems in legal ethics, such as the aim of the Ethics Code and proportionality of disciplinary sanctions; burden of proof in disciplinary proceedings; conflict of interests and importance of informed consent; judges and social media - deontological issues; attack on independence and impartiality of the judges on in central/eastern Europe and USA; freedom of expression of the prosecutors in social media; and the conflict of interest in mediation.

The conference was organized by NVU Legal Ethics Chair with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Annual Online Conference on Legal Ethics

On September 29-30, 2020, from 5:00PM to 7:00PM, New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organizes an Annual Conference on Legal Ethics. Conference will be held online via Google Meet platform. The conference will address challenges to the lawyers’, prosecutors’, mediators’ and judges’ ethics. For more information obout invited experts and the topics discussed in the conference please see the agenda.

Those willing to participate shall register at the following link:

The Project is implemented with the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Practical Course in Legal Ethics Chair clinic (Distance Learning)
Practical Course in Legal Ethics Chair clinic (Distance Learning)

The New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair is pleased to announce admission opening for students to participate in a distance learning course in legal ethics chair clinic (four months  practical course). The third, fourth year BA students and LLM students are eligible for the admission. The course format will be remote, that is additional opportunity for the students of regional universities.

Practical course in Legal Ethics will be delivered by Ms. Tamar Khubuluri, Senior Lawyer of the Georgian Bar Association Ethics Commission (GBA EC), Legal Ethics Chair Researcher and Ms. Ana Loria, elected member of GBA EC and Legal Ethics Co-Chair.

During the course, the students will learn the main principles and standards of legal ethics; they will become familiar with the practice of GBA EC and the Disciplinary chamber of the Supreme court of Georgia. Students will draft case-briefs of EC decisions/recommendations and decisions of the Disciplinary chamber of the Supreme court of Georgia, which will be uploaded on the legal ethics chair online platform. The case-briefs will be accessible online for every interested person. While drafting the case-briefs, students will also acquire writing skills. They will be able to draft legal arguments in the judgments and participate in the moot court on legal ethics Students will be granted certificates upon completing the course in Legal Ethics Clinic.

Interested student should submit an application before October 1st, 2020.

The Legal Ethics clinic is supported by the USAID Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Program, implemented by the East West Management Institute in Georgia.

Online Public Lecture and Discussion on – “Conflict of Interests and Importance of Informed Consent”
Online Public Lecture and Discussion on – “Conflict of Interests and Importance of Informed Consent”

New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organized online public lecture and discussion on “Conflict of Interests and Importance of Informed Consent”. The online public lecture was held on June 4th, 2020.

The lecture was led by Ms. Tamar Khubuluri, Senior Lawyer of the Georgian Bar Association Ethics Commission and Legal Ethics Chair Researcher.

A new standard established by the Georgian Bar Association Ethics Commission was discussed during the public lecture, which is related to the representation of conflicted parties by one lawyer.

Law faculty students, practitioner lawyers and attorneys attended the public lecture and participated in the discussion.

The recorded lecture is available online through the link.

Event was supported by the USAID Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Program (PROLoG), implemented by the East West Management Institute in Georgia.

Practical Course in Legal Ethics Chair clinic (Distance Learning)
Practical Course in Legal Ethics Chair clinic (Distance Learning)

The New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair is pleased to announce admission opening for students to participate in a distance learning course in legal ethics chair clinic (four months  practical course). The third, fourth year BA students and LLM students are eligible for the admission. The course format will be remote. However, if during the course we have positive change in the country, weekly meetings and group discussions will be possible.
Practical course in Legal Ethics will be delivered by Ms. Tamar Khubuluri, Senior Lawyer of the Georgian Bar Association Ethics Commission (GBA EC), Legal Ethics Chair Researcher and Ms. Ana Loria, elected member of GBA EC and Legal Ethics Co-Chair.

During the course, the students will learn the main principles and standards of legal ethics; they will become familiar with the practice of GBA EC and the Disciplinary chamber of the Supreme court of Georgia. Students will draft case-briefs of EC decisions/recommendations and decisions of the Disciplinary chamber of the Supreme court of Georgia, which will be uploaded on the legal ethics chair online platform. The case-briefs will be accessible online for every interested person. While drafting the case-briefs, students will also acquire writing skills. They will be able to draft legal arguments in the judgments. Students will be granted certificates upon completing the course in Legal Ethics Clinic.

Interested student should submit an application before April 7, 2020.

The Legal Ethics clinic is supported by the USAID Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Program, implemented by the East West Management Institute in Georgia.

Legal Debates at – Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics
Legal Debates at – Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics

On February 28, 2020 the New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organized legal debates on Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics. Ms. Ketevan Meskhishvili – Judge of Tbilisi Appellate Court and Mr. Irakli Kordzakhia – Lawyer, Member of the ethics commission, New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair expert participated in debates. Ms Ana Loria, legal ethics co-chair moderated the debate. Speakers developed different views on freedom of expression from their perspective; they discussed several landmark cases of European Court of Human Rights; they also reviewed the best practice of the United States, Germany and UK. Speakers also mentioned and discussed several cases of Supreme Court of Georgia.

Law students and legal practitioners attended the event. Audience were actively engaged in the follow-up discussion, they asked questions and showed higher level of interest towards freedom of expression in legal ethics.

The legal debate was organized by NVU legal ethics chair and it was supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Round Table Discussion on “Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations”
Round Table Discussion on “Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations”

On February 18, 2020 New Vision University legal ethics chair organized a round table on ‘Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations’. Mrs. Ekaterine Gasitashvili, Supreme Court Judge together with legal ethics expert Mr. Irakli Kordzakhia led the discussion and gave interesting presentations. Legal Ethics Chair - Mrs. Sophio Chachava moderated the discussion.

The discussion was focused on judges’ and attorneys’ freedom of expression due to their professional obligations. The discussion was also focused on opinions expressed by judges and attorneys through various sources of media, including social media, with the view of maintaining trust in the judiciary, collegiality, respecting the parties, prohibition against degrading or discriminatory treatment, as well as other ethical obligations.

The Supreme Court of Georgia hosted the event. Law professors who teach Legal Ethics participated in round table. 

The round table was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Legal Debates at – Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics
Legal Debates at – Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics

On February 28, 2020 the New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair organizes legal debates on Freedom of Expression in Legal Ethics. Ms. Ketevan Meskhishvili – Judge of Tbilisi Court of Appeals and Mr. Irakli Kordzakhia – Lawyer, Member of the ethics commission, New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair expert will participate in debates.

Law Students, legal practitioners, professors and other interested parties can attend the debate and participate in the discussion.

The legal debate will be held on February 28th, at 7:00 pm at New Vision University (Mikeladze Str. 1a).

The legal debate is organized by NVU legal ethics chair and it is supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).

Round Table Discussion on ‘Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations’
Round Table Discussion on ‘Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations’

On February 18, 2020, at 7:00PM, New Vision University legal ethics chair is organizing a round table on ‘Freedom of Expression and Deontological Obligations’. The discussion will focus on judges’ and attorneys’ freedom of expression due to their professional obligations. The discussion will also focus on opinions expressed by judges and attorneys through various sources of media, including social media, with the view of maintaining trust in the judiciary, collegiality, respecting the parties, prohibition against degrading or discriminatory treatment, as well as other ethical obligations.

Mrs. Ekaterine Gasitashvili, Supreme Court Judge together with legal ethics chair – Mrs. Sophio Chachava, co-chair - Mrs. Ana Loria and expert Mr. Irakli Kordzakhia will lead the discussion.

The Supreme Court of Georgia will host this event. Law professors and invited lecturers who teach Legal Ethics are invited to attend and participate in round table.

Please fill in the registration form below if you are interested in participating. Places are limited; therefore priority will be given to the first 10 registered candidates.

The event is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).