NVU Legal Ethics Co-chair visits Batumi State University
On July 29, 2019, Mrs. Ana Loria, Legal Ethics Co-chair at New Vision University visited Batumi State University (BSU). The purpose of the working meeting was sharing information about activities done by both universities in terms of Legal Ethics. During the meeting, parties also discussed and shared their experience in teaching legal ethics.
Mrs. Loria met with the dean and other representatives of the Faculty of Law and Social Science at BSU. Parties discussed the integration of legal ethics course in Master’s degree programs and participation of Law students in moot court and competitions on articles. The implementation of Legal Ethics direction at Batumi State University’s Legal Clinic was also one of the points during the meeting.
After the meeting, parties agreed that professors from BSU will attend the training of trainers (TOT) to be held in upcoming fall, hosted by New Vision University Legal Ethics Chair. The TOT is designed to share syllabus and the teaching materials for Legal Ethics course on Master’s level.
The working visit was held with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) within the framework of East-West Management Institute’s (EWMI) project - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG).